“Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel”
The Apostle Paul was directed by God, not to baptize, but to preach the gospel. To tell the gentiles of how he was saved, and redeemed, by a personal experience on the road to Damascus. God had called him not to lift himself up, but to lift Jesus Christ up.
It is wrong to say that Jesus Christ died for me, to make me a saint. The truth is that Jesus died for the whole world.
When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, all men born after that would be born in sin. God knew that the only way He could redeem us back to Himself, was to be born in the flesh, and die on a cross for our sins.
When we are born again, by belief in Jesus Christ, we have a testimony just as Paul did, and this is what we share when we preach the gospel, always lifting up our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.