But I, as a deaf man, heard not, and I was as adumb man, that opened not his mouth.
As I read this scripture, I began to realize that even though I do not have this handicap, I often wonder if God hears my prayers.. I lift up my voice in praise to the Lord, and listen with my ears to hear His word,, while there are others that do not have this ability.
I did not think that those in the stillness of the night, also reach out to the same God that I do, even they who cannot speak as I can. They pray to their almighty Savior through a heart that wells up inside of them, as they reach out in a way I cannot.
My ears listen for His still voice, but they cannot hear. Yet those that cannot hear, listen in a silence I do not understand. Because God speaks to them with a love that fills their heart, and gives them joy beyond measure.
I can now understand that God hears my prayers with my voice, and He also hears the prayers of those who do not have a voice. All we have to do is trust in Him, and believe that He is with us, and loves us, no matter what.