But foolish and unlearned (ignorant) questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strife’s. 2 Timothy 2:23 kjv.
God’s word notes that Satan’s goal is to steal, kill and destroy. He does’t always use over=the-top, easy to recognize things to pull us out of God’s will. More often he uses subtle annoyances to first steal our peace. Small things like minor arguments, and petty irritations between loved ones and brethren to play on our human sensibilities, distracting us from our focus on God’s will.
Paul warned Timothy to recognize these silly issues and questionings, and to refuse to become engaged, lest he be consumed by these strife’s and contentions. He knew Satan’s antics all to well. While warning Timothy, he was also warning the body of Christ today. Sometimes, we need to just walk away form these potential conflicts, if they are not righteous. By getting involved in these silly confrontation, we run the risk of falling into Satan’s trap. It is okay to walk away from anything that threatens your peace. The source just might be Satan at work, using those close to your heart steal your peace. Once that peace is gone, it’s easier for him to kill your spirit and destroy your faith.