For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
After I retired from my Business, the Lord began to speak to me about a women’s Conference. I had never been to one, and had no idea of where to even start . I began to pray and ask for help from the “Lord. He led me to a woman that was in charge of a large women’s ministry. I told her that I felt this was what the Lord wanted me to do. She offered to help me, and in 1999 the “Three Sisters Women’s Conference” was birthed. Our first Conference had over 400 attendees.
The second year of our Conference, we had invited a guest speaker from New York. She was to speak at our evening service, which gave her time to rest up before she went on stage.
As the women registered that evening, we noticed two ladies that were holding on to a third, helping her to register and find a seat for all three. After our speaker had delivered her message, she had an alter call. The one woman that did not seem to want to be at the Conference, came forward that night and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.
The next morning just before the speaker from New Your was to deliver her message, the woman from the night before came up to ;me, and asked if she could give me something to give to the speaker. I told her that I would take her to the speaker, and she could give it to her.
When she was introduced to our speaker, she held out her hand, which was holding something. The speaker held out her hand, and the woman dropped something into her hand saying ” Here take this: I do not need it anymore”. As she walked away, the speaker opened her hand, and found a note and a bottle of pills.. The note was a suicide note to be given to her children, and the bottle of pills that she had planned on taking the night before.
Praise the Lord, she had called upon the name of the Lord the night before.