For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.
In God’s eyes you are of great worth to Him. He carefully created your unique design and personality. He not only chose the time you were to be born, but chose the family He specifically intended for you.I He engineers time, place, and circumstances to create the beautiful person He wants you to become.
In His great love for you and for all mankind, He sent His son to redeem the world. Jesus, the Lamb of God, to become the ultimate sacrifice for the fall of man. Through this redemptive plan, we can become His adopted child, and gain the gift of eternal life in heaven with Him.
How do you respond to so great a love? Receive it! Go along with His redemption plan. Then take your rightful place in your Fathers kingdom, just as Jesus did while here on earth.
You have a special role, and a specific assignment to help accomplish the work of the kingdom. Pray and seek, and you will find that a new realm is awaiting you.