In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Springs awakens not only nature, but our very souls. We watch for the first daffodil, the new leaves on the tree’s that have stood dormant all winter, and the singing of the birds as they celebrate the arrival of a new season. Children start dreaming of summer days. Vacation plans start coming together. Jogging, biking and other outdoor sports leave us with fading memories of snow and cold temperatures.
It is at this time I am reminded of God’s love for us. He took the time to make blue birds, daffodils and lush green grass. These smaller things give way to mountains, oceans, the Grand Canyon, sunsets, sunrises. And in His love for us He sent Jesus, who walked among us! Who gave his live for a sinner like me, to live eternally with Him in mansions built for those that believe in Him. God wants us to focus on how much He loves us, not on our love for Him. Just like the arrival of spring, we began a new life when we ask Jesus to come into our hearts, and began a new walk with Him. I’m glad He understands my humanness and loves me anyway.