Psalms 148:1

Praise the Lord from the Highest

Today I sat and thought of all the surprises that God has given me each day, and how much I had been just seeing and not praising. 

We were setting in our living room one day, and looking out our window, when all of a sudden there were 6 squirrels in our driveway. These were western grey squirrels that are endangered squirrels in our part of the state.  As I watched them eating the grain we had poured out on the driveway a grey squirrel came out of nowhere to feed also. Praise the Lord for letting me see this.

Setting at my computer one day, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a long tail flash by.  I jumped up and looked out the window, and standing in our driveway was a Chinese pheasant (ring neck).  The sun was just right overhead, and all of its feathers were so brightly illuminated that I stood there praising God for letting me see the beauty of his creation.

We have a cottonwood tree in our pasture that looks dead in the winter, and we watched as a bald eagle landed on one of the branches and seemed to pose for us. We praised the Lord for this blessing.

Walking in my back door this morning, after a long winter, I looked and there against our front porch was a display of dandelions, a promise of spring.  Praise the Lord for eyes to see this.

If we will take the time to look, we can see God’s touch everywhere.

Psalms 111    Praise the Lord!  I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart.