When you pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name
Hallowed means to make Holy or Sacred. When we call ourselves Christians, we have a duty to honor God, and to bring glory to His name. The way we live and relate to others is a direct reflection on the name of Jesus Christ, and is watched very closely by those that have a sour taste in their mouth when the word Christian is used.
I have heard people say, “I am doing this for Jesus”, and I have thought to myself, would Jesus want to be your partner in what you are doing? Would He be pleased to join you, and would you take suggestions from our Lord?
If our actions and words detract from God’s reputation, He will jealously guard His name. When the Israelites profaned God’s name, by the way they were acting, and how they presented God to the nations, He punished them. His name must be hallowed”, and He will not settle for less.
I hear a lot of secular people that use the term Religion in derogatory terms. They do not know my Lord and Savior, and seem to equate Christians with Religion. However, in James 1:26 the Bible say; If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this mans religion is worthless In James 1:27 the Bible states: This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
We are not called religion, we are Christians that are believers in an all Mighty God, and as such, we must always bear in mind that where ever we go, or what ever we do, the third part of the Trinity “God the Holy Spirit’ goes with us. When we accept the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, the Holy Spirit comes to abide in us. With this in mind ‘Hallowed” be His name.