But the hour is coming and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship Him.
The Scripture reminds us again and again not be idle, but to be full of good works, with the building of the Kingdom always on our minds. But there is something far more important to God then our efforts to serve Him: that is to worship Him.
Worship must always come before work, and our work must be an extension of our worship. If our work doesn’t come from worship, then it means nothing to our Lord. We are to be recipients of a grace that saves us from our busy self-focused activity, and instead makes us true worshiper of God.
Any person can conjure up a religious work and say “it is of God” but this work is only piling up wood, hay and stubble to be consumed by fire when the Lord returns. Lasting work that has been tested in the Refiner’s fire, is the work that comes from the time we spend in prayer and solitude with God.
Today, God is calling us back to that for which we were created–to worship the Lord and enjoy Him forever. It is then out of deep worship that our work will flow for Him. The command to those who mistakenly overload ourselves with Kingdom activity is clear. Heavenly Father needs more worshipers, not workers.