Let your conversation be without covetousness: and be content with such things as ye have.
Another word for covetousness is envy, and many people seem to have a problem with this.
I grew up in a time when jobs were few, and many people had to travel to find work. As children of these people, we wore a lot of hand me down. Many times the shoes were too small, or maybe too big. Clothes were the same way. We looked with envy when we attended different schools, at the way some of the children dressed
I can remember girls coming up to me, and saying: “I gave that dress you are wearing to your mom, because I didn’t like it. Others would say my friend gave those shoes to the needy, because they were to worn out for her to wear anymore.
When I grew up, and married, I could afford new clothes. I still wore clothes that people gave me. Not because I was in need, but, because my parents taught us to be content with what we had. And above all, not to hurt another’s feelings, by our actions and words.