Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” NIV
When I first became a new Christian, I was on fire for the Lord, as anyone that knew me at that time could testify, I was preaching to everyone that stood near me, or if they even said hello.
My sister and I were standing on a street corner one day waiting for a lull in traffic to cross the street. I am allergic to bee stings, and a bee was bussing around us. My sister kept trying to keep the bee from landing on me, but the joy in the Lord kept me from being afraid. I kept telling her:” The Lord will not let that bee land on me.”
In time the cares of the world, and other distractions began to take over, and I felt the Lord had left me. I began to have a feeling of being deserted, and did not know how to bring back that joy I had.
One morning that fear of desertion, led me to begin to cry out to the Lord asking Him to please come back into my heart. My fear was of separation from God. I pleaded for several hours, until I felt a peace come over me. It was then I knew that God still loved me, and I did not have to carry this fear any longer.
Psalm 34:4 tells me: I sought the LORD and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.